Legal Definition of Injunction

A court order that orders a party to do or refrain from doing a certain act (or acts) as opposed to a money judgment.3 min read


A court order that orders a party to do or refrain from doing a certain act (or acts) as opposed to a money judgment.

Examples of Injunction

For example: An injunction might be obtained to prevent a copyright infringer from reprinting copyrighted materials; in divorces there are frequently mutual restraining orders (a form of injunction) requiring both parties to leave another alone; A court order which restrains one of the parties to a suit in equity from doing or permitting others who are under his control to do an act which is unjust to the other party; If a party has threatened to remove marital property, or has threatened to kidnap, a court might prohibit the party from touching any marital property or removing the child from the county.

Emergency and Preliminary Injunctions

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