Legal Definition of Trust

Property given to a trustee to manage for the benefit of a third person.2 min read

Property given to a trustee to manage for the benefit of a third person. Generally the beneficiary gets interest and dividends on the trust assets for a set number of years. An agreement under which one person transfers title to specific property to another who agrees to hold or manage it for the benefit of a third person.

Further Defining Trust

An equitable right, title or interest in property, real or personal, distinct from its legal ownership; or it is a personal obligation for paying, delivering or performing anything, where the person trusting has no real. right or security, for by, that act he confides altogether to the faithfulness of those entrusted. This is its most general meaning, and includes deposits, bailments, and the like. In its more technical sense, it may be defined to be an obligation upon a person, arising out of a confidence reposed in him, to apply property faithfully, and according to such confidence. 2. Trusts were probably derived from the civil law. The fidei commissum, is not dissimilar to a trust. Trusts are either express or implied.

Express Trusts

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